Nottingham sumo

The East Midlands has been the home of British Sumo for many decades and Nottingham Sumo is proud to continue this tradition.

Sumo is an ancient Japanese style of wrestling with a history dating back well over a thousand years. It is a fast paced style of wrestling that requires strength, skill and dignity.

Amateur Sumo is growing quickly all over the world and Nottingham Sumo is keen to give everybody, regardless of age or ability, the chance to participate in a sport that we love.

Unlike Professional Sumo Amateur Sumo is open to both sexes and has multiple weight classes - you don’t have to be big and heavy to Sumo wrestle and many people from all over the United Kingdom compete in all of Amateur Sumo’s weight classes: lightweight, middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight.

Sumo is “an inch wide and a mile deep” - it’s easy to learn the basics but takes years to master. Don’t be fooled; body weight alone isn’t enough and excelling at Sumo takes great skill. Yet in only a single lesson you can learn the essentials that form the foundation of Sumo.

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Interested in training? Or want to get in contact for any other reason?